
Hello all,

What is the important thing in life? For me its simple, I want to have extra money but I wouldnt mind to have an extra money in my wallet as long as I am happy. Since I am single, I love to hang out and mingle with a lot of people, do new things everyday..Of course, I wouldn't left out my girlfriend and family. Unfortunately, I cant commit so much to my family and friends because I have this uncontrollable life..With all the job and resposibilities, Its hard to keep up with the time and I just need to be free from all those stress and I need someone or something to motivate me in my everyday's life...

Thanks to my family, friends and my snow white, Life seems to be easy. Well, this post is to show my appreciation to all my friend that always "lepak" with me, My family who always support me in everything I do and my girlfriend for the patient that she showed me..

I dont need more stress and pressure because It never ever made me a better man...and I will lose control and do reckless and bad things. I had enough of the pressure and stress, all I need is to release the pressure.

Its not that I dont understand that some people need me.. In this case, My girlfriend,I know you also have pressure and stress in your life which is much worst than me, But, at least, let me be the way to get you out of those trouble, let me be your laughing partner, and let me be your place for you to express those sad feelings and I will lend my shoulder for you to cry on..

P/s: I will not be able to cheer anyone up if I am in my worst mood or have an issue with the person..

So, My point is that, For me, the most important things in this life is well, to be happy and hopefully succeed in this life and go to heaven..

Peace out y'all and no offence~


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