Assalamualaikum and Hello,

Its been a while since I updated my life on this blog. I don't even know where to start, but its been amazing adventures and experiences for me. I got promoted, we have 2 sons now, got new car ( Mitsubishi Pajero), got custom gaming pc (the one that got lighting inside and water cooling), and so much more. In short, most of our wish list are completed. I planned to build or have a new house now.

Life has been so great, and yes, we also went through a rough road, but I keep my positivity and so does my snow white. Alhamdulillah, we made it till now. I believed that every good or bad that comes to my life has its own hikmah, and I will never ever give up hope. As long as I have my snow white beside me, my sons to motivate and cheer me, and my family to pray for me, I will always be strong and invincible.

I achieves most of my dreams now, and I may not be wealthy, but for me, wealth is nothing compare to happiness that Allah has given me. I wakes up every morning with a smile when I see my wife and kids, I walk with light hearted to my workplace, my sons and wife always at the door, waiting for me when I go back from my workplace, dinner is always served without me asking for it and I went to bed feeling blessed. I will never trade my life right now for money and I will fight till death if anyone wants to take that away from me.

For those out there who feels their life has no meaning, always sad and pressurized. here is for you:-

1. We will always have troubles and mistakes.
2. We will always have someone who will TRY to make us feel bad.
3. We will always have that devil inside us that TRY to push us towards negativity.

Stay strong, be positive and never give up, because they can try to push you towards darkness, but that's it, they can only try, its us that decides everything.

For my snow white, Thank you for making my life blessed and amazing. I may not say the word " I love you" often, because like I said before, the word "I love you" is not enough to describe how I feel towards you, So, I am just going to show you with my action and only Allah knows how deep my feeling is. Thank you my snow white. You are my soul and my life.

That's it for now. Always be happy, work hard, stay positive and don't forget, your life is yours and no one can ever change it if you don't let them. Assalamualaikum and Peace out.


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