Selamat Hari Raya~

Assalamualaikum to all muslim in the whole world...

Its been a while since we started our fasting month and less than 2 weeks, we will be having our raya celebrations..but please, dont overdo it. Kita mengumpul amalan di bulan puasa, jangan lah kita menambah kembali dosa kita, and elakkan pembaziran. Anyway, I want to say SELAMAT HARI RAYA N MAAF ZAHIR BATIN to all muslim and if there is something that I have done wrong in some ways, I would like to apologise...

I always say to myself that one day, I am going to be a successful man...and guess what, Every ramadhan, we are given the oppurtunity to be successful, SO..keep on fasting, and when Hari Raya comes, Its our Victory..Tapi, if org nda posa sebulan, kira success jua la, p nda complete ( bini2 ada excuse tu, lelaki nada kali ah). And jangan main badil sampai nda ingat kan bahaya...p if kamu kan buat badil paling basar, bagitau aku ah, aku mau meliat, if putus memutus, ada jua kan di jadikan ceta..biasa lah kan..Org brunei..Kabal kali ah..hahaha..anyways,



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