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Syawal datang lagi~
Cahaya menyambut syawal~ Cahaya bunga api ler tu~ Always mind the children.. Home sweet home~ Assalamualaikum~ Finally, kita berjaya mengerjakan amal ibadah d bulan ramadhan tanpa gangguan syaitan~Lepas ne, syitan dah kuar dah ne, hati hati ye..haha~ Kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat d seluruh dunia, Saya hendak mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA n MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN~ Enjoy your raya and Kepada kawan2 n yang kena mengena dgn saya~ Duit raya ku mana?? mun nada duit raya, Kuih kah?? Brownies kah??popia kah?? atau lanja makan kat FarmBag pun buleh bah~ haha.. Anyway Selamat Hari raya semua~ Peace out~
Poison lips~
I once heard a story...... A guy has fallen in love with a girl, then he make the girl his friend, for a few months, they play msn, chatting, giving each other message and a phone call once in a while..and then, one day, they got into a misunderstanding and they didnt talk to each other..and finally the guy said "Its been a long time since we talk, Its been a long time since we used to laugh together and have fun. Deep down, we knew we are hurt, we knew its wrong and we knew that this shouldn't happen" and the girl said " Why are we like this, we used to be so close and I never ever want to lose you.." but, the thing is, the guy said ONLY to himself and the girl said that ONLY to herself... At the end, they went on their separate ways with a MEMORY that they will never ever going to forget.. Hmm...What's up with that story?? haha..its a sad ending, and yes, in real life, things like that ALWAYS occcurs.. Sometimes, its better to speak from your heart rather ...