What is this~

What the hell is this?? apa gunanya blog ane kan?? oh well...I am just gonna mumble and see for myself..Hehe..Lets start by my Biology...eh salah..Biodata..

The name is Nizam A.k.a Rashie Clueless. I have been searching for someone who lost his/her finger. I found the finger when i knew the meaning of life and how I become so addicted to money. Hehe~ its true...but i dont just steal, I work for it and sometimes cheat for it.. Just the other night, I went with my long lost friend from Legendary intake to play pool and snooker at what used to be the ARENA..masane, ntah nda ku tau apa nama barunya ah..we played for 2 hours of snooker then we changed to pool table in the V.I.P Section..When we are ready to go home..dalam kan kul 2 la tu..I only paid 11 dollars...WTF right..padahal kami main snooker kan 2 jam and main pool 2 jam..iatah namanya rezeki tu..ambil je la..Haha.. Bowh..panjang jua cetaku ane..aku ane kan mentest saja..panya nda sadar..Pandai jua ku becerita panya...

lain kali g ku post eh..Ngaleh jariku ah..and Btw..if you lost your way in life or happen to lost your finger..I got the middle finger..I can only show it to you..If you know what i mean..Dont be a Losers..Get a life man..PEACE OUT~


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