
Showing posts from September, 2009

Random Photoshoot~


I should be more jelous~

when you think about life.. Its weird. sometimes, you makes mistake and didn't want to admit you are wrong, but when someone else makes mistake, you want them to admit it and make their life miserable. When someone give you a piece of their mind, you dont want to listen, eventhough you know damn well that the person is right. when someone loves you for who you are, you try to make them trust you, but you are the one who doesnt trust them. Why would you do such things when you cant even work yourself out? why would you try to changed others when you couldnt even try to change yours?? One thing I know for sure, is that people in this world dont like being criticize, eventhough that criticizm is what they need to change them into a better one. Sad, isnt it~ but that's the harsh truth about life.

From Temburong to BSB via Speedboat~

It only takes 45 minutes or less to go from Temburong to BSB or vice versa via speed boat~Speed boat operational hours starts at 6 A.M and ends at 5 P.M(in temburong) and 5.30P.M (in BSB) A shot made on the speedboat~ how tall a plant can get~ Fisherman at work~ Kampong Ayer For those who never been to Temburong via speedboat, The ticket price is BND$6. Booked a place to stay in temburong if you don't have one. Make sure you go to the toilet before you enter the speedboat as there is no place to take a leak. Get in the back of the speedboat so that you wont get sea sick. or get in the front seat for those of you who are thrillseekers.hehe~ And watch your step while entering the speedboad or you might end up in the water..Happy travelling and enjoy the view while on the way.

Family Gathering~

Gathering at the first raya celebration.. Unfortunately, My brother can't make it home due to work~

Syawal datang lagi~

Cahaya menyambut syawal~ Cahaya bunga api ler tu~ Always mind the children.. Home sweet home~ Assalamualaikum~ Finally, kita berjaya mengerjakan amal ibadah d bulan ramadhan tanpa gangguan syaitan~Lepas ne, syitan dah kuar dah ne, hati hati ye..haha~ Kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat d seluruh dunia, Saya hendak mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA n MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN~ Enjoy your raya and Kepada kawan2 n yang kena mengena dgn saya~ Duit raya ku mana?? mun nada duit raya, Kuih kah?? Brownies kah??popia kah?? atau lanja makan kat FarmBag pun buleh bah~ haha.. Anyway Selamat Hari raya semua~ Peace out~

Night Shoot~


Selamat Hari Raya~

Assalamualaikum to all muslim in the whole world... Its been a while since we started our fasting month and less than 2 weeks, we will be having our raya celebrations..but please, dont overdo it. Kita mengumpul amalan di bulan puasa, jangan lah kita menambah kembali dosa kita, and elakkan pembaziran. Anyway, I want to say SELAMAT HARI RAYA N MAAF ZAHIR BATIN to all muslim and if there is something that I have done wrong in some ways, I would like to apologise... I always say to myself that one day, I am going to be a successful man...and guess what, Every ramadhan, we are given the oppurtunity to be successful, SO..keep on fasting, and when Hari Raya comes, Its our Victory..Tapi, if org nda posa sebulan, kira success jua la, p nda complete ( bini2 ada excuse tu, lelaki nada kali ah). And jangan main badil sampai nda ingat kan bahaya...p if kamu kan buat badil paling basar, bagitau aku ah, aku mau meliat, if putus memutus, ada jua kan di jadikan ceta..biasa lah kan..Org brunei..Kabal ka...

More photo??


Anak buah Clueless~Part 1

let me present to you my nephew, and the future leader in brunei..amin~